Time to Change?
Over the recent years e-Learning has become more and more popular for many reasons. It has been proven to be more cost effective compared to traditional face-to-face training. Studies have shown that those trained through e-Learning show a greater performance than those who have been trained face-to-face. Many companies make the mistake of thinking that face-to-face training can be placed into an e-Learning module as a PowerPoint presentation, but this is basically putting face-to-face training into an electronic format.
Here are 5 reasons why you and your business should convert to eLearning:
Nearly 25% of employees leave jobs because there isn’t enough training or development. Do you want your employees and colleagues doing the same thing?
By using e-Learning it consumes 90% less energy than traditional face to face training. The amount of C02 emissions (per student) is also reduced by up to 85%
Dow Chemical who reduced average spending of £57 per learner / per course on classroom training, to only £6.61 per learner / per course with electronic delivery, giving rise to an annual saving of £20.5 million (Shepherd, 2002).
Is e-learning faster? British Telecom delivered e-business training to 23,000 employees in three months, at a cost of £5.9m, compared to £17.8 million and a five-year time span for classroom training (Taylor, 2002).
Is e-Learning really that effective? Learners learn more using computer-based instruction than they do with conventional ways of teaching, as measured by higher post-treatment test scores.’ Some gains are:
The learners’ attitude towards the e-Learning format and training in general
The learners’ scores on tests, certifications or other evaluations
The number of learners’ who achieve ‘top’ grades
Increase the long retention of the information