
We have touched upon gamification in previous blogs however this post is dedicated to the new trend that has taken the eLearning industry by storm. Gamification is the process of applying gaming designs and concepts to learning or training scenarios in order to make them more engaging and entertaining for the learner. In game-based learning events, learners compete directly against one or more individuals or participate individually in an interactive experience that rewards learning performance in some way.
It’s a trick that allows the learner to play a fun game that results in retaining information. Gamification allows the learner to explore information in a way that doesn’t feel like a test. As well as being engaging and beneficial to performance, gamification is also very addictive. The process of very popular games such as Candy Crush, for example, work so well because theres the challenge of getting to the next award/ level in a restricted amount of attempts, leaving a failed player having to wait 20 minutes before they can play again, or another option is to part with their hard earned cash to speed up the traumatic wait. Genius.
This simple psychology has worked for decades, making gaming a multi million pound industry and having very addicted players.
However in eLearning, we aren't wanting people to be addicted to our courses, as such, or part with their cash. We are wanting to maximise engagement to in turn help the learner retain as much knowledge possible.
Gamification has marked benefits as it allows a business to meet its staff in a setting that they understand and with clear actionable objectives. In the field of elearning gamification becomes increasingly useful and it aids learning and information retention. However gamification isn’t always implemented well and in fact, often doesn’t meet the desired objectives. The question then is how to implement gamification effectively and to fulfill your desired objectives. Let’s consider the effective ways to adopt this practice and galvanise your training efforts.The current climate for gamification suggests that nearly three-quarters (70%) of large global companies will have at least one gamified application in place on its LMS by 2014.It’s a good idea however to mix up the competitive elements to your learning platform. Ensure that there are competitions between staff members, but also foster a team spirit and compete against external challenges. Humans like to better themselves and feel that they are progressing towards something.Gamification can improve employee motivation and it does it all much cheaper than traditional options. Its a process that can have marked benefits for a business and its employees.
You’ll notice a much happier, more contented, and better-educated workforce.